The clock has to be high for the inputs to get active. Whenever the clock signal is LOW, the input is never going to affect the output state. Hence they are mostly used in counters and PWM generation, etc. Here we are using NAND gates for demonstrating the JK flip flop Inspite of the simple wiring of D type flip-flop, JK flip-flop has a toggling nature. The major applications of JK flip-flop are Shift registers, storage registers, counters and control circuits. Due to its versatility they are available as IC packages. The name JK flip-flop is termed from the inventor Jack Kilby from texas instruments. Here in this article we will discuss about JK Flip Flop. Out of the above types only JK and D flip-flops are available in the integrated IC form and also used widely in most of the applications. Generally, these latch circuits can be either active-high or active-low and they can be triggered by HIGH or LOW signals respectively. The latches can also be understood as Bistable Multivibrator as two stable states. So, we are going to discuss about the Flip-flops also called as latches. Thus, this latching process in hardware is done using certain components like latch or Flip-flop, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Encoders, Decoders and etc collectively called as Sequential logic circuits. An example is 011010 in which each term represents an individual state. The high is 1 and low is 0 and hence the digital technology is expressed as series of 0’s and 1’s. The two states can be represented as HIGH or LOW, positive or non-positive, set or reset which is ultimately binary. The term digital in electronics represents the data generation, processing or storing in the form of two states.